(pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of Reg. EU 2016/679, the “GDPR”)
This information on the processing of personal data describes the processing of personal data provided through or collected via the Sites:

Aggregate data. Aggregate data means information about groups or categories of users, which does not identify and cannot reasonably be used to identify any individual user.

Anonymous data. Anonymous data means information that does not directly or indirectly identify and cannot reasonably be used to identify any individual user.

Application. Application means a program or service managed by the Controller (or on behalf of the Controller) that can be viewed on various online, mobile or other environments and platforms, including those managed by third parties, which allow us to interact directly with our users.

Data Subject. This is the natural person, identified or identifiable, to whom the personal data refer, that is, the natural person who can also be identified indirectly, by referring to information or characteristic elements, or through the intersection of several pieces of personal data.

Minors. Minors are individuals identified by us as minors who are not legally able to consent to the collection and processing of their personal data.

Controller. The natural or legal person who determines the purposes for which and the means by which personal data are processed.

Processor. The Processor is a natural or legal person who deals with the processing of personal data on behalf of one or more controllers, and who is duly authorized to process data only in accordance with the controller’s instructions.

IP address. The IP address is associated with the access point through which a connection is made to the Internet. It is usually controlled by the Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Notification. A notification may be sent by email to the user at the last email address communicated by them, by posting notices of changes on the Sites and Applications or by other means in accordance with applicable laws.

Personal data. Personal data means information concerning a natural person that identifies (directly or indirectly) a specific individual, for example, their name, postal address, email address, telephone number, browsing data, IP address, characteristic elements of their physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity, and including data relating to their choices and habits.

Public forums. The Site and Applications may make message boards, conversation pages, chat rooms, social community environments, profile pages, and other forums available, whose audience is not limited. If someone provides personal data when using such features, this information may be made public or otherwise disclosed without limitation to our or any third party’s use. To request the deletion of personal data from the public forum on one of our Sites or Applications, contact the Controller.

This Site collects and processes Personal Data, as defined by the GDPR, independently or through third parties, or provided voluntarily by the user, including:

• Cookies and Usage Data, collected through automatic processes;

• Personal data (First Name, Last Name, Company, Industry Sector, Telephone, Email, Role and CV, etc.)

the latter voluntarily provided by the user in the various contact forms.

When indicated by an asterisk, “*”, the Data requested are mandatory. If the User fails to provide these Data, it may be impossible for the Controller to provide the Service or fulfil the request. In cases where this Site indicates some Data as optional, Users are free not to provide the same, without this having any consequence on the availability of the Service or its operation.

Users who are unsure about what Data are mandatory should contact the Controller.

The possible use of Cookies or other tracking tools by this Site or by the operators of third party services used by this Application, unless otherwise specified, has the purpose of providing the Service requested by the User, in addition to the additional purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy, to which reference is made.

The Controller adopts the appropriate security measures aimed at preventing unauthorised access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data. The processing is carried out by means of computer and/or telematic instruments, with organisational methods and logics strictly related to the indicated purposes. In addition to the Controller, in some cases, other internal parties, or external parties (such as third party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) appointed as processors by the Controller may have access to the Data.

User Data are collected for the following purposes:
a) to guarantee registration on the Site, to allow the user to access certain web pages of the Site where specific online services can be used, to guarantee the correct provision of the services requested through the Sites, the Applications or other channels, and, therefore, to fulfil, in a proper and timely way, all the obligations deriving from the contractual relationship established. This purpose includes the management of the newsletter, which can be requested freely by Users through a dedicated form. Data will be kept for ten years from the date on which the contractual relationship is terminated;
b) to comply with legal and regulatory provisions, including tax obligations, or to execute an order issued by a judicial or police authority or supervisory body. Data will be kept for ten years from the date on which they are collected;
c) finally, the primary purposes also include certain technical processing operations carried out by means of so-called “technical cookies” on the basis of that which is explained in more detail in the Cookie Policy. In these specific cases, technical processing operations are solely aimed at transmitting information over an electronic communication network to the extent strictly necessary to provide the services explicitly requested by users. Data will be used for the time strictly necessary to manage the functions provided by the cookies.
In all the cases described above in points a), b), c), the Controller is not obliged to acquire the Data Subject’s specific consent. All the processing described above pursues primary purposes for which current legislation excludes the need to acquire the Data Subject’s specific consent, either because processing is necessary to fulfil an obligation provided for by law, by a regulation or by EU legislation, or because processing is necessary to fulfil obligations arising from a contract to which the Data Subject is a party, or to fulfil, before the conclusion of the contract, specific requests made by the Data Subject, or to pursue the Controller’s legitimate interests, also taking into account the reasonable expectations of Data Subjects. If the user does not wish to provide the personal data required and necessary based on the above, it would be impossible for them to register on the Site and for them to use all the services for which registration and the provision of data are technically and contractually necessary. It would still be possible, however, to browse the Site as an unregistered and anonymous user and to view just that content and those materials available without registration.

The Data collected by the site are processed by the Controller and are only handled by technical personnel who are duly authorised to process such data or who have been appointed as external processors pursuant to article 28 of Reg. EU 2016/679.

This site may share some of the Data collected with services located outside the European Union, always in compliance with the rights and guarantees provided for by current legislation, pursuant to articles 44 et seq. of Reg. EU 2016/679.

For the purposes indicated above, the Data collected may be made accessible or communicated: 
• to the Controller’s employees in their capacity as authorized processors (or so called “appointed processors”), within the scope of their respective duties and in accordance with the instructions received. These individuals are, in any case, subject to the obligations of confidentiality and privacy;
• to third parties who carry out outsourcing activities on behalf of the Controller as external trusted parties to whom the Controller entrusts certain activities, or part of them, which are functional to the provision and distribution of the services offered through the Site. In this case, parties shall be appointed as processors pursuant to article 28 of the GDPR. The complete list of processors is available, upon request, from the Controller through the contact channels indicated in this document;
• to all those parties (including Public Authorities) who have access to personal data by virtue of regulatory or administrative measures;
• to all those public and/or private entities, natural and/or legal persons (legal, administrative and tax consultancy firms, Judicial Offices, Chambers of Commerce, Employment Offices and Bureaux, etc.), if such communication is necessary or functional to the proper fulfilment of the contractual obligations assumed, as well as the obligations deriving from the law;
• to banking institutions and companies that manage national or international payment circuits through which online payments are made for the products purchased through the Sites. We do not collect personal data for resale or to transfer to third parties for marketing purposes. In any case, personal data will not be disclosed.

The user acknowledges that any indication of personal or contact data belonging to a third party, other than the same Data Subject, represents processing of personal data with respect to which they are an independent controller and they assume all the obligations and responsibilities provided for by current legislation regarding personal data. The user grants the broadest indemnity with respect to any dispute, claim, request for compensation for damage from processing or anything else that might be received by the Controller from any interested third party due to the provision of data indicated by the user in breach of the applicable rules on the protection of personal data.

The management and storage of personal data happens on servers located within the European Union. It is possible that the Controller stores personal data on the cloud, meaning that these data could be processed by cloud service providers on behalf of the Controller, in which case these cloud service providers will be required to store the data on servers located in the European Union. If our business involves the transfer of personal data to third parties located in other locations around the world, for the purposes described in this privacy policy, wherever personal data are transferred, stored or processed by us, we will take appropriate organizational and contractual measures to safeguard personal data and we shall impose similar, but no less restrictive, requirements on cloud service providers, including the obligation to process personal data exclusively for the purposes indicated above.

We do not intentionally collect personal data from Minors in connection with the functionality of the Site. In accordance with applicable laws, a Parent must provide consent to the collection of a Minor’s personal data; registration by a Minor on the Site must, therefore, be authorized by a Parent and done under the supervision of the same Parent, for this reason the email address provided must be that of a Parent. Parents have the right to view and request the deletion of a Minor’s personal data.

This site processes user data in a lawful and proper manner, taking all necessary security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or unauthorized destruction of data. The processing is carried out by means of computer and/or telematic instruments, with organizational methods and logics strictly related to the indicated purposes. In addition to the Controller, in some cases, categories of persons involved in the organization of the site or external parties (such as third party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) may have access to the data.

With regard to personal data, the same Data Subject may exercise their rights as provided for in articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR and specifically:
Right of access (article 15) consists in obtaining confirmation from the Controller as to whether or not personal data concerning them are being processed, and if so, to obtain access to these data and to certain information (explained in article 15 of the GDPR). Right of rectification (article 16) consists in the possibility of the Data Subject to modify their data in the event they are inaccurate. Right of erasure (article 17) the possibility for the Data Subject to delete their personal data held by the Controller when, for example, consent to processing is revoked or the purpose for which the data were collected has been achieved, or when processing is unlawful. Obviously, it will not always be possible to comply with the deletion request. This happens for example when the data are used to fulfil a legal obligation or are necessary for the defence of a right in court. Right to object (article 21) this consists in the right to oppose the processing, which must be guaranteed when the basis of the objection is of legitimate interest or in the performance of a task of public interest. This right also has limits, since there may be cases where the legitimate interest of the owner prevails over that of the person concerned (in such cases the fundamental principle is that of providing the correct balance), or the processing is necessary for a task of public interest or for the establishment, defence or exercise of a right in court. Right to data portability (article 20) on request, in the case that processing is based on a contract or consent, the personal data must be provided to the Data Subject in a structured format, readable by an automatic device (json, xml, csv); this right only applies to data provided voluntarily and not to those inferred or derived.
Right of revocation (article 7) In the event that a form is signed granting consent to the processing requested by the Controller, note that the Data Subject may revoke this consent at any time, without prejudice to the mandatory obligations provided for by the legislation in force at the time of the request for revocation. Revocation may be done by contacting the Controller at the addresses indicated above, or by email, specifying the subject of the request, the right being exercised and attaching a photocopy of a valid identity document certifying the legitimacy of the request.
The Data Subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority in the Member State in which they reside or work or in the State in which the alleged breach occurred. All the aforementioned rights can be exercised by sending a request to the Controller through the contact channels indicated in this privacy policy.

The Controller of personal data responsible for the personal information collected through the Sites, Applications or other channels identified above is:

- IMER INTERNATIONAL SPA with offices at VIA SALCETO 53-55, (53036) POGGIBONSI (SI), Italy, for the site for the Equipment Division and the Access Division and for the site

- LE OFFICINE RIUNITE UDINE SPA with offices at Via S. Caterina, 35 - Fr. Basaldella – 33030 Campoformido (UD) – Italy for the site: for the Concrete Division.



This site also incorporates plugins and/or buttons to allow easy sharing of content on your favorite social networks. When you visit a page of our website that contains a plugin, your browser connects directly to the servers of the social network from which the plugin is loaded, which server can track your visit to our website and, if applicable, associate it with your social account, in particular if you are connected at the time of the visit or if you have recently browsed one of the websites containing social plugins. If you do not want the social network to record data relating to your visit to our website, you must log out of your social account and, probably, delete the cookies that the social network has installed in your browser.

Plugins with advanced user privacy protection functions are installed on this site, which do not send cookies or access the cookies present on the user's browser when the page is opened but only after clicking on the plugin.

The collection and use of information by these third parties are governed by their respective privacy policies to which you are kindly requested to refer.

- Facebook (cookie information link)

- Twitter (cookie information link)

- LinkedIn (cookie information link)

- Google+ (cookie information link).



This privacy policy is updated as of November 27, 2023.



A “cookie” is a simple text file containing letters and numbers which is stored on a user’s computer when they access certain websites. Cookies allow a website to “remember” the preferences expressed by a user during previous browsing sessions when they return to visit that site. A cookie itself does not contain nor collect information. However, when read by a server in relation to a web browser, it can help the website to offer easier access by, for example, remembering previous purchases or the user’s account details.

Technical cookies
This type of cookie allows certain sections of the site to function correctly. There are two types:

             Persistent: these are not deleted when the browser is closed but, instead, remain stored on the user’s computer until a pre-set expiry date is reached
             Session: these are deleted each time the web browser is closed
These cookies, always sent from our domain, are needed in order to properly view the site and in relation to the technical services offered. They are, then, always used and sent, unless the user changes their browser settings (thus potentially affecting how the site’s pages are displayed). These cookies are used exclusively for the proper functioning of the site. That is why there is no obligation to request the user’s consent, but to provide notice, through a banner, that cookies are used on the site.

Analytical Cookies
Cookies in this category are used to collect information on how the site is used. This involves web analytics cookies and cookies that store the user’s choices regarding personalization of the site. These cookies are deemed to be non-invasive with regard to the user’s privacy if the site collects anonymized data and if data are analyzed in aggregate form. That is why many Supervisory Authorities, including the Italian one, have included these cookies in the general category of technical cookies.

This type of cookie integrates functionality developed by third parties within the site’s pages as icons and the preferences expressed in social networks in order to share the contents of the site or to use third-party software services (such as software to generate maps and other software that offers additional services). These cookies are sent from the third party’s domain and by partner sites that offer the functionality among the page of the site.

These are those cookies which are needed to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages which are in line with the preferences expressed by the user within the pages of the site. For this type of cookie, the user has to consent to their use.

A list of the cookies we use on our site, classified by category, can be found in the Cookie Settings section. To compile the list of cookies in each category, our Site is scanned regularly with a cookie scanning tool to keep it as accurate as possible.

Cookies can be restricted or blocked by browser-specific settings, so if a user wishes not to store some cookies on their computer, the web browser may be configured accordingly. The user can choose to either block all cookies or just specific ones. At any time, the user can choose to delete cookies stored on their navigation device. The settings must be changed separately in each browser and computer used.

If cookies have been blocked, proper operation of the website cannot be guaranteed. Some functions may not be available and it may no longer be possible to view certain pages.

Each browser has its own way of managing settings. The user can access specific instructions through the following links:
Microsoft Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Apple Safari:

As regards flash cookies, users can change their settings by visiting the following link: flash cookie settings. For more information on the cookies stored on your device, and to disable them individually, use this link: Your online choice

You can prevent Google Inc. from detecting cookies generated by the site and reading them by downloading and installing this browser plugin:

Below is a list of third parties who install their cookies via the Site, together with references to the relative privacy policy to which we invite you to make reference. We remind you that these parties are autonomous controllers of the processing of the data collected through the cookies they set and, therefore, can be managed and disabled in the same way as that indicated in the respective information.

Currently, no third-party cookies are used

Cookies can be restricted or blocked by browser-specific settings, so if a user wishes not to store some cookies on their computer, the web browser may be configured accordingly. The user can choose to either block all cookies or just specific ones. At any time, the user can choose to delete cookies stored on their navigation device. The settings must be changed separately in each browser and computer used.
If cookies have been blocked, proper operation of the website cannot be guaranteed. Some functions may not be available and it may no longer be possible to view certain pages.
It is important to note that blocking cookies does not eliminate the display of any advertisements. They will simply no longer be tailored to your interests.
If you would like to learn more about how your browser stores cookies while browsing, please follow these links of supplier websites:
             Mozilla Firefox
             Google Chrome
             Internet Explorer
             Safari 6/7 Mavericks
             Safari 8 Yosemite
             Safari on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
You can prevent Google Inc. from detecting cookies generated by the site and reading them by downloading and installing this browser plugin:

Given the dynamic nature of the Web, it is not always possible to be able to control cookies that are set by third parties through a website.

Users are, therefore, requested to notify us of the presence of any such cookie which is not mentioned in the preceding list.

This text may be subject to modification. We are, therefore, authorized to change the content of this policy and the cookies indicated in the list at any moment and without notice. The most recent version can be found in this text.

The party authorised to use trademarks/logos, images and advertising material owned by and relating to Imer International spa (for brevity, IMER) undertakes to respect the rights due to IMER pursuant to the Industrial Property Code and Copyright Law. 

Where information, data, etc. is added in association with IMER trademarks/logos, images and advertising material, the authorised party declares and warrants, assuming, in an exclusive way, all civil and criminal liability, to be the holder of all the legal powers that legitimise the addition of the same.

The transfer, loan, granting or otherwise assignment of the use of IMER trademarks/logos, images and advertising material to any unauthorised third party is prohibited. Should the authorised party grant use to their collaborators, the same shall be held directly responsible for such use.
Any form of economic use of the trademarks/logos, images and advertising material referred to above for any purpose or aim, and any alteration of the trademarks/logos, images and advertising material referred to above are also prohibited.

Imer International spa may revoke, without the need for any prior notice and with immediate effect, authorisation to use the above, especially if use is made in a manner contrary to these conditions, the law or the company’s image, reserving the right to take action to seek compensation for any direct or indirect damage.
